Fair warning, the following is only 1/4th of the entire story and the rest will never be written. But it is proof my V2 is at the writing point. Next will be to flesh out prompts and control to bring the length a bit farther and then to improve the writing. Also, fixing the ability to take any stage of a story and continue from that stage. Here we go:
Year: 2023
“CircuitFreak: Uncovering the Presidential Conspiracy”
2045, Jack has a burning question regarding the President’s death:
Jack sits at his desk, staring at a news article about the President’s supposed accidental death, clearly doubting the official story as he gets an idea in his mind.
“The Digital Autocracy: The Fight Against Big Tech’s Control in SquawkSpace”
A montage sequence shows the creation and launch of SquawkSpace, highlighting its unique features designed to encourage free speech and open discussion.
Domonick Kakeese, a corrupt billionaire, makes a controversial move by acquiring SquawkSpace, sparking debates about the implications this could have on the platform’s values.
I had GPT write me a quick script so I could better display outlines here. Here’s an example! I need it to write these outlines in the directory of the story, add the title.. etc. and probably include the characters and settings. But will that be giving away all my secrets? I don’t know!
I Think I’ve Gotten Past The Roadblock
I apologize for handing off json. The following is part of an outline that was created by my program. It seems to be in order. *cross fingers* Took about 5 hours to finally get everything fixed. If it continues to not fall apart on every story, I’ll be able to move on to a more descriptive version of each scene. Then I can start writing the scenes like a story.
Anddddddd I’m Back.
This is just gonna be me chatting. Stick around if you’re super bored. BabyAGI is […]
Baby AGI Destroys my Hopes
https://github.com/yoheinakajima/babyagi So, I finally grabbed this and modified it to get rid of that pesky […]
Lost Realms
While working on and testing my engine I have to throw many ideas into the machine. These are some of the realms that I found and lost again.
OOPS – When good ideas go awry. – The Rise of the Phoenix King – Enhanced, first two chapters
Evelyn moved through the dimly lit hallway, her senses piqued as she strained to hear every sound that drifted through the air. Her heart thumped in her chest with every creak of the old wooden floorboards beneath her feet. She couldn’t afford to make a single mistake; one misstep could mean the difference between life and death.
The Rise of the Phoenix King
Evelyn moved silently through the darkened hallway, her senses on high alert. Every sound echoed in her ears, causing her heart to pound in her chest. Her mission was crystal clear- assassinate the Phoenix King, Nikolai. But as she approached his chamber, a strange feeling stirred within her. Was this really the right path? Was she doing the right thing?