This is just gonna be me chatting. Stick around if you’re super bored. BabyAGI is really interesting but after a really miserable 24 hours I’ve decided it isn’t doing or capable (yet) of doing what I am. It can’t create an infinite fiction engine.
Yup, I said “yet” because honestly this thing is scary. It can still do everything I fear it can do. It is like a self-modifying worm and when the first bad actors start using it it’s going to do some damage. But that’s the FBI’s problem.
It was a very intriguing feeling today when I felt like I had super powers. I was telling everyone. I think that’s how I would react if that fantasy happened. It brings so much insight into superhero stories.
The thought went like this: there are really bad people out there and if they get a hold of this they’re going to do some really bad things. I know this could happen, I should stop it. Wait, I could stop it. This thing can do anything, why can’t I stop it?
So then I was telling everyone instead of keeping it a secret. Haha.
I’m not a doomer. It isn’t AI that I’m worried about. It’s humans getting a hold of AI which is really powerful and doing bad things with it. But maybe if I started now, if someone started now, we could build the guardians we’re going to need.
In the meanwhile, I’m going to stick to working on Infinite Fiction. Actually, BabyAGI is pretty good about thinking about backgrounds. Maybe I could use it to do world building!